Wednesday, March 31, 2010



Reproductive health is not only healthy physically, mentally and socially but also the safe sexual connect, self pregnant, safe delivery and free from rap. It is the process of any persons regarding achieving mental physical and social full health and well being.

Reproductive health includes safe development into adults, the avoidance of sexual and reproductive illnesses, the ability to choose when to have children to conceive safely and to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It also involves good health care to avoid the complications of child birth, abortion, use of contraceptive methods and the long term effects of sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections.

WHO defined reproductive health as ‘A state of complete physical, mental and social well being not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system, to its functions and process’.
In fact, reproductive health implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the civility to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. It concerns the disease of male and female related to family planning, infertility and STD/AIDS abortion, child birth, maternal complication, reproductive tract infection, girl education etc.

Characteristics of a Women Who was Good Reproductive Health

Characteristics of a Women Who was Good Reproductive Health
(a) Ability to birth healthy child
(b) Free from rape.
(c) Free from reproductive disease.
(d) Safe sexual contact
(e) Free from STDs.
(f) Without reproductive infections
(g) Menstruation at appropriate time
(h) Social well being
(i) Healthy and living without discrimination between son and daughter
(j) Always happy and smart
(k) Good moral character
(l) Able to maintain good adjustment with family
(m) She should have knowledge about reproductive process, results and necessary consciousness
(n) Having number of children she can care for (lor2) with appropriate spacing
(o) Before pregnancy, during pregnancy and at the time of delivery check up and medical support
(p) Appropriate age of marriage
(q) She should get honour in her family
(r) Having opportunity in social and economic activities etc .

Characteristics of Man Who has Good Reproductive Health

Characteristics of Man Who has Good Reproductive Health
· Mentally, Physically and socially healthy
· Free from STDs, reproductive disease and other disease.
· Healthy sexual relationship with wife
· Keeping only safe sexual contact
· Married man has sexual contact only with his wife
· He should have full knowledge about reproductive health, reproductive process, family planning
· Not having bad habits
· Not making any violence beating wife, or drinking alcohol
· Married after physically and mentally prepared
· Understanding of women’s problems
· Not depriving women of their rights and duties
· Helpful during pregnancy, delivery and other problem of wife
· Always happy and smart etc .

The national Reproductive Health Strategy of Nepal (adopted in1997) includes the following elements to make integrated reproductive health services available in the kingdom. These includes
Family planning
Safe motherhood
Child birth
Prevention and management of infertility
Adolescent reproductive health
Problems of elderly women particularly cancer treatment at the tertiary level/ private sector
Prevention and management of complication of abortion

Scope of Reproductive Health (components of Reproductive Health)

The national Reproductive Health Strategy of Nepal (adopted in1997) includes the following elements to make integrated reproductive health services available in the country. These includes

  • Family planning
  • Safe motherhood
  • Child birth
  • Prevention and management of infertility
  • Adolescent reproductive health
  • Problems of elderly women particularly cancer treatment at the tertiary
  • level/ private sector
  • Prevention and management of complication of abortion

Importance of Reproductive Health

aThe need and importance of reproductive health education in the context of Nepal is described as followings.

  • Parents do not seem to eager to discuss sex with their children when they talk is about it, to little too late.
  • Adolescents said that they could be open about sex with parents
  • Parents have not information to give to the children
  • Peers and friends may also have little accurate knowledge about basic fact of reproduction
  • Need to correct the main information adolescent believe in
  • Reproductive health education can give the correct and factual information to prevent unsafe sexual behaviour, HIV/AIDS and STL, sexual abuse, adolescences pregnancy, unwanted pregnancy and child birth, unsafe abortion, getting larger family size and so on.
  • Reproductive health education assists the youth in learning how to cope with physical, emotional and social changes
  • Reproductive health education helps in the developing knowledge, values and skills necessary for adult life, marriage, parenthood and participation in the life of the community.


Reproduction is a process in which organism can produce new individual of their own kinds for the continuation of life.

Reproductive system refers to the structure and functions of reproductive organs.
Human beings are unisexual i.e. that is male and female reproductive system are found in separate individual. Therefore, reproductive system are described separately.
1. Male reproductive System

2. Female reproductive System

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive organs

The male reproductive system refers to the structure and function of male reproductive organs.

The male reproductive organs can be classifed into two types.
(i) External Reproductive Organs: It includes scrotum, Penis, Glens Penis, Foreskin, public hair etc.
(ii) Internal Reproductive System: It includes Testes, Epididymis, Vas deference, Seminal, Vesicles, Ejaculatory duct, Prostate gland, Urethra etc.

External Organs

Male reproductive External Organs
(a) Scrotum: The scrotum is the Pauch like structure composed by skin devoid of subcutaneous fat. It contains a little muscular tissues. The testes lie in the scrotum.
(b) Penis: The penis lies just in front of the scrotum. It is cylindrical in shape and it is composed of erectile tissues and in volume entry muscles. Normally soft, but fills up with blood and becomes erect when a man is sexually excited. Functions of penis is to deposit semen in the genital tract of the female.
(c) Glens Penis: It is the head of the penis which is triangular in space. It is highly sensitive organ.
(d) Foreskin: It is a small piece of skins which covers glens. It is removed when a man is circumcised.
(e) Public Hair: Public hair grow around the penis after puberty.

Internal Organs

Male Reproductive Internal Organs
(i)Urethra: It is a tube through which urine and semen pass out of the body.
(ii) Testes: Testes are two into number and lie inside the scrotum outside the abdominal cavity. Testes are male reproductive organs where spermatozoa are formed and male sex hormone produce. Each testes contains up to 300 tubules. Each tubules up to 4 somniferous tubules which in the sperms of produced.
(iii) Epididymis: It is a very long and highly convoluted tube of bout 6 meters length which lies out side and partially encircling the testes. It is made of compact mass of small coiled tubules. It si a place where sperm are produced.
(iv) Vas deferens: It is a thick welled muscular tube that extends from epididymis to ejaculatory duct. It is a route through which sperms travel from epididymis ejaculatory duct.

(v) Ejaculatory duct: It is a small duct about 2 cm. longs and opens to the urinary duct. It passes semen and sperms to the urinary duct.
(vi) Seminal vesicles: The vesicles are to small tubular glands and lying on the posterior side of the bladder. They produce and expel the thick milky fluid that helps to keep spermatozoa alive.
(vii) Prostate glands: It is a small glands which lies behind the urinary bladder. Prostate gland produces a thin milky fluid that forms part of the semen.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Female Reproductive System

Female Reproductive Organs
Female reproductive system denotes the structure and function of female reproductive organs. The female reproductive organs can also be classified into two types.
1. External Organs: Ii includes public hair, outer labia, inner labia, clitoris, vestibule, hymen, urethral opening, vaginal opening.
2. Internal Organs: It includes vagina, ovaries, fallopian tube and uterus.

External Organs

female external reproductive organs
The female external reproductive organs are collectively known as vulva.
1. Outer Labia: They are two thick fold organs which from the sides of the Vulva. They are composed of skin or fat, blood vessels and nerves. They are about 7.5 cm. long in each sides. They product vulva.
2. Inner Labia: They are two small folds of skin which lie between the upper parts of the outer Labia. The inner labia contains erectile tissues.
3. Clitoris: The clitoris is a small erectile baby which is the situated at he top of the inner labia. It is very sensitive to touch. Stimulating the clitoris can be pleasurable and lead to organism.
4. The vestibule: The vestibule are two small glands situated one on either side of the vaginal orifice. These glands produce lubricating fluid.
5. Perineum: Perineum is a part that extends from the lower part of the vaginal orifice to anus. It is composed by erectile tissue, fat and skin.
6. The Hymen: The hymen is a thin membranous diaphragms which is placed of the orifice of the vagina, thus, separating the external and internal genitals.
7. Urethral Opening: It is a small opening below the clitoris through which urine passes out of the body.
8. Vaginal Opening: It lies below the urethral opening and above the anus. It leads to the vagina, cervix and uterus. It is through the vaginal opening the menstrual blood passes out of the body. The penis may inter during sex and babies are born.

Internal Organs

Female Reproductive Internal Organs
1. The Vagina: The vagina is a long muscular tube extend from vestibule to cervix. It is about 15 cm. long and 3 to 6 cm. wide which connects the uterus which the external parts. It is composed by erectile tissue, muscle and blood vessels. It is vary flexible.
It serves as a receptacle for the penis and sperm and as a passing for the emergence of the baby into ht out side the world.
2. Uterus: The uterus is a thick, muscular, per shaped organ. It lies between the bladder and rectum. It is the place where the fertilized ovum becomes implanted, receives nourishments and develop over a period of nine months into a baby during pregnancy. There are three parts of the uterus i.e. Founds, baby and cervix.
3. Fallopian Tubes: Fallopian tubes are known as uterine tubes. They are two in numbers. These tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries. They are extended from the sides of the uterus. They are about 10 cm. long each side of the uterus. They passed the ovum from the ovary to uterus. An egg released from one of the ovaries each month, and passes along a uterine tube into the uterus. It also provides sites where fertilization occurs.
4. Ovaries: The ovaries are of oval shape. They are two in number and place one on each side of the uterus below the following tubes. They are 2.5 or 3.5 cm. long 2 cm wide and 1cm thick. They contain large number of immature Ova. They also produce female sex hormone i.e. progesterone and oestrogen.